
Provision of Home Improvement Agency Services

Date of Meeting:

3 December 2020

Contact Officer:


Shaun Hughes


01273 290569



Wards Affected:

All Wards


For General release



Action Required of Policy & Resources Committee:

To receive the recommendations of the Housing Committee for consideration.


(1)    That the service is brought in-house be agreed; and


(2)    That the Interim Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities be granted delegated authority to take all steps necessary to implement the recommendations in (1) above to bring the service in-house.






Brighton & Hove City Council


Housing Committee


4.00pm18 November 2020






Present:   Councillor Gibson (Joint Chair), Hugh-Jones (Joint Chair), Phillips (Deputy Chair), Williams (Opposition Spokesperson), Mears (Group Spokesperson), Atkinson, Barnett, Fowler, Hill and Osborne.






115     Provision of Home Improvement Agency Services


115.1  The Housing Adaptations Operations Manager introduced the report which provided context and background to the Home Improvement Agency (HIA) service and outline the options for future provision and the bringing of the service inhouse.


115.2  Councillor Atkinson was informed that the manager is working Human Resources to ensure humanisation and a smooth take-over of the small number of staff.


115.3  Councillor Osborne was informed that the report had taken since January to come to committee as the pandemic had raised more urgent issues. Savings would the prevention of tenants being moved out of properties and into care homes.


115.4  Councillor Osborne was informed that the Home Improvement Service was directly funded from capital grant funding and the transfer would benefit staff.


115.5  Councillor Hugh-Jones was informed that services were already integrated to ensure savings.


115.6  Councillor Williams wanted to note that there was no criticism of the current service provider and the general budget would show savings.


115.7  Councillor Mears noted the service works well and expressed concerns at bringing inhouse, having noted the serious problems with the repairs service currently on strike. The Councillor considered the procurement decisions were not clear and would be voting against the recommendations.


115.8  Councillor Gibson approved of the move to inhouse and supported the recommendations.


115.9  The Chair put the recommendations to the vote, and it was agreed by a vote of 8 with 2 against.




(1)   That the Policy & Resources Committee be recommended to agree that the service is brought in-house; and


(2)   That the Interim Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities be granted delegated authority to take all steps necessary to implement the recommendations in (1) above to bring the service in-house.</TRAILER_SECTION>